Conversations that lead to conversions

Welly creates interactive and meaningful interactions between your brand and customers with our AI-powered expert shopping assistant.
Enhance every customer touchpoint in online supplement stores
Make it easier to buy from you
Provide your customers with the interactions they really need by allowing them to ask open-ended questions at any time and in any way they want and receive wellness-aware answers.
  • Human-like and wellness-aware responses
  • 24/7 availability
  • Real-time interaction
  • Multilingual capabilities
Educate and support your customers
Our AI shopping assistant draws from both your brand’s unique data and the vast Welly Knowledge Core, enriched by 17 years of insights from leading nutritionists, practitioners, and scientific research. By leveraging our private wellness knowledge base, we ensure your customers receive precise answers to their queries and personalized supplement recommendations tailored to their individual health needs.
  • Wellness-focused queries
  • Personalized supplement recommendations
  • Richer, more contextual conversations
Know you customers
Segment customers based on their health issues and complaints and use the data to drive targeted marketing campaigns, increasing engagement and conversions.
  • AI customer insights
  • Personalized interactions through your funnel
Sell like never before
Up to 25% conversion rate
Enhanced Brand Trust
Improved Customer Insights
Operational Efficiency
Personalized and relevant conversations and recommendations lead to higher conversion rates and increased sales.
Up to 25% conversion rate
Enhanced Brand Trust
Improved Customer Insights
Operational Efficiency
Welly AI provides customers with comprehensive and accurate information, empowering them to make confident and informed purchasing decisions.
Up to 25% conversion rate
Enhanced Brand Trust
Improved Customer Insights
Operational Efficiency
Gain valuable insights into customer preferences and behavior, enabling more effective marketing strategies.
Up to 25% conversion rate
Enhanced Brand Trust
Improved Customer Insights
Operational Efficiency
Streamline operations with automated assistance, reducing the need for extensive human support.
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