Vitamins for the GI Tract: Can They Help Your Hair, Nails, and Skin?

The human gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) is a complex system whose condition inevitably affects the entire body. Skin breakouts, brittle nails, and hair loss can be symptoms of stomach and intestinal disorders. The integrity of the intestinal microbiome and the health of the GI tract’s mucous membrane play a particularly important role in the state of the skin1.
The GI Tract and the Skin
A delicious fruit or a yogurt might seem like it would benefit a person’s skin and reduce the likelihood of breakouts. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. It turns out that it’s not only about what a person eats, but also about the overall condition of their GI tract.
One of the main causes of problematic skin is gut dysbiosis. The lack of beneficial microorganisms disrupts the process of digesting food and absorbing essential micronutrients and vitamins from it2. As a result, the skin doesn’t receive the necessary substances, compromising its barrier properties and hindering it from fully performing its primary functions.
People with GI tract issues often complain to their doctors about the following skin problems:
  • Dry skin
  • Reduced skin elasticity and stretchiness
  • Acne and pimples
  • Appearance of pigmented spots
It’s important to remember that conditions like acne often require adhering to a specific diet to successfully address their symptoms3.


Not only dysbiosis can lead to skin problems. Disorders such as ulcers, gastritis, and irritable bowel syndrome often result in the release of toxins into the bloodstream, negatively affecting the skin from within. Skin problems can also be an early indicator of these diseases.

Frequently, the first signs of GI tract disorders manifest through skin symptoms. This is due to the fact that the skin is the body’s largest organ, constantly interacting with the external environment. Even the slightest changes in the body’s functioning can affect the skin first and foremost.
The Influence of the GI Tract on Hair and Nails
For many people, it’s a revelation that hair and nails, just like skin, depend on the state of the GI tract, nutrition, and the adequate intake of necessary substances and vitamins.
Hair loss is often a consequence of intestinal dysbiosis. However, there have been documented cases of focal alopecia developing alongside ulcerative colitis4.

In the case of alopecia related to ulcerative colitis, the GI tract is not only responsible for hair loss, but also for the instability of a person’s nervous system.

Elina Akhmatova, a dermatologist specializing in venereology, explains that it’s not only hair that can suffer due to the GI tract, but also the nail plates. For instance, systemic GI tract disorders can lead to complaints of increased nail brittleness and uneven growth. The deficiency of vitamins, micro- and macronutrients can also influence the color of the nail plates, leading to yellowing, as Dr. Akhmatova points out.
When experiencing skin breakouts, hair loss, or brittle nails, it shouldn’t be surprising if the treating physician suggests checking the condition of the GI tract. Identifying GI tract problems in a timely manner and correcting them through diet, vitamin, and mineral supplementation might help prevent the situation from worsening.
1 Exploring the Connection Between Gut Health and Hair, 2019
2 The Gut-Skin Axis: Interaction of Gut Microbiome and Skin Diseases, 2023
3 Digestion and Acne: How Does Gut Health Affect Skin?, 2023
4 A Case of Ulcerative Colitis and Alopecia Areata, 2013
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